
Showing posts from November, 2021

Python#04 | Taking user input

PYTHON #4 User Input In any program e need to take user input to take feedback or asking question or taking values in python we can take input as: <variable> = <data type>(input(<question>)) By Onik Dhall  Owner of Coding Only Mail Id- Channel-

Python #03 | First python program | using as calculator

PYTHON #3 First python program | using as calculator As in other languages like C, C++, java we do calculations similarly we can do calculations in python by the operators in maths Like + ,- ,/ ,*, ** +   adds - subtracts * multiplies / divides returns value in floating value // divides and leave remeander ** exponent = equals or not return value in True or False  != not equals use in loops or conditionals <,>,= use in comparison For calculations we simply do:     a=34   b=6     a) c=a+b         print(c) _____________________ OUTPUT 40 b) print(a+b) _____________________ OUTPUT 40 By Onik Dhall  Owner of Coding Only Mail Id- Channel-

Python#02 | Typecasting and print syntax

PYTHON #2 Typecasting and print syntax In this video we will learn about print syntax and typecasting  print- print is a keyword use to print data in the terminal or where you are using python. print should be in lower case because in python as it is case sensitive this is an issue that you have to write the code as instructed. like True or False is written in sentence case.  You can use print as print("str", int, bool, float, <var>) Typecasting- This means that you have to cast the type of data means see the data type of the given data. This can be used as print(type(<var>))\ By Onik Dhall  Owner of Coding Only Mail Id- Channel-

Python#01 | Data type and variables

PYTHON #1 Data type and variables Python today we are learning Data types and variables Variables- The storage in which a thing can be stored.         eg.- a = 34          In the example a is variable in which 34 is stored Next thing is that what is in a Number? This nmber is an integer in the Python and integer is a type of data Means a data type Data Types-           Float          Int          Str         Bool Only those we are learning (for beginners) other data types are- lists dict tuples and sets that we will learn in upcoming videos By Onik Dhall  Owner of Coding Only Mail Id- Channel-

Python #00 | Installation process

PYTHON #0 Installation Process Python, a programming language we are going to learn from the video.     At  First you have to install python from       Then IF YOU WANT install pycharm from  website      If you do not want to install pycharm you can use PYTHON IDLE that comes with python By Onik Dhall  Owner of Coding Only Mail Id- Channel-